Thursday, April 11, 2013

April {2013} 10 On 10

On April 10th, I took part in the 10 on 10 project.  Once a month on the tenth, participants (when they remember!) take a photo an hour for ten consecutive hours to document the life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day.  Click HERE or on the button to the right for more information about the project.  Enjoy!

PS - For those of you who are wondering, yes, I am still pregnant (as shown below).  I apparently grow stubborn babies who do not like to arrive on time :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

James Birthday Celebration {Part 2}

On March 16th, we had a little birthday party for James here at our house in Cincinnati.  As you can see in the pics below, James LOVED having all of his family under one roof.  Here's how it went down!

The Party Attendees

The Birthday Cakes
Opening Presents

Playing with Presents

A big thank you to our family for making the trip and for helping make James's 2nd birthday a special one.  

Matthew, Leah, & The Big Two Year Old (aka James)