Our 2nd Annual Interview with the Birthday Boy
(see last year's interview here)
What is your name? Rubble
How old are you? Four
What is your favorite color? Yellow
What is your favorite number? Four
What is your favorite song? Paw Patrol song*
What is your favorite food? Pancakes
What is your favorite sport? Baseball
What is your favorite sports team? The baseball sports team
Which baseball sports team? The Reds
What is your favorite book? One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Construction Worker**
What is your favorite video? McQueen
What is your favorite toy? The Birthday toys.
If you could do anything, what would you do? Play with the choo-choo's.
*We've never heard the Paw Patrol song before, and when asked to sing it, James yelled "Paw Patrol!" and then said "That's it!".
**While at the Science Museum today, he told me "When I go to work at a hospital, I want to take pictures of people's skeletons." So we're not ruling out Radiologist :)
Youtube has gotten stricter with copyrighted material, so I'm trying a new way of sharing the video this year (I just had to include some of James's favorite songs!). Click on the link below to view his birthday video. If this doesn't work, please let me know. Enjoy!
PS - I'll hopefully be back soon with some pictures from his birthday party and his actual birthday. That is, if I don't go into labor first!
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