Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Matthias John - One Month

Since he's almost 2 months old, I thought I should get around to posting his one month pictures :)

Matthias is doing awesome.  He's a great night sleeper (at least compared to his brothers!), although his day napping could use a little work ;).  At his one month check up, he weighed in close to 11 lbs, and his head is in the 96th percentile (!!!).

He's very expressive and alert.  He almost seems like an older baby than he is.

His first smile was on April 3rd, and like Charlie's first smile, it was geared towards James.  Although it wasn't from looking at James, but rather from James putting his freezing cold feet on Matthias's head.  His second (and third!) smile was for his Grandpa Nett a few days later.

He is changing so much every day.  I think he looks more like James, but acts a more like Charlie did at this age (hello, crying in the car!).

Speaking of James and Charlie, they adore him.  Charlie calls him "Thias" and loves to point to his nose, eyes, mouth, etc. and give him kisses.  He also likes to point out when "Thias" is awake, sleeping, or drinkin' milk.  Charlie also likes to give him toys.

James loves to rub (or "pet") his head and talk to him.  He's tried to teach him to say "James", but no luck yet.  He calls Matthias "my baby" and likes to show him off to his classmates at preschool.  We were sitting by Matthias as he laid on my bed the other day, and James said "Look, Matthias.  It's your two best friends!".

Thankfully they don't mind too much when he cries in the car!

We are so very blessed to have such happy, healthy, and loving boys.

And because I couldn't resist, here's a side-by-side of our boys at one month.

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