Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Shower Pics

Here are some pictures from work baby shower #2:
Check out the look of surprise as I walked into my "meeting".  And check out the belly!
Carolyn, along with the cake she baked for the shower

Cake closeup

Little Nikes

Thanks, Avtech!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The room's all ready!  Now all we need is a little baby :)

Before the big reveal, here is what the room and furniture used to look like:

And here's what it looks like now:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Work Baby Shower #2

On Friday, I thought I was walking into a meeting, but instead, about 20 co-workers of mine threw me a surprise baby shower.  They said that the last one, which was combined with two other people, wasn't good enough.  I was completely shocked!

The lady who made the diaper cake for the last shower made a gorgeous cake that was shaped like a baby buggy (I unfortunately don't have any pictures, but if I do get some, I'll be sure to share).  We also received a ton of gifts for JBird.  Some of my favorites are below:

Anti-Monkey Butt Diaper Rash Powder

Boogie Wipes

Receiving Blankets handmade by my co-worker Katie
Knitted Bibs

A bear suit and monkey outfits
Nike Air Force Ones

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

36 Weeks - in Due Time

I'm a bit hesitant to post these, as they are very unflattering, but why stop now?  I feel like I'm getting bigger every day (which I probably am).  I thought about taking weekly pictures from here on out, but after seeing these, I'm not in a hurry to take more any time soon :)  Without further ado, the week 36 pictures:

We entered the 37th week on Monday (JBird is now the length of swiss chard!), which is what my yoga teacher calls "Due Time".  In other words, the baby is considered full term and can come any day now.  I didn't know this before, but there is actually a 5 week window from the 37th week to the 42nd where the baby can be born (the due date is the beginning of week 40), and only 2% of babies are delivered on their due date.  Good thing I like surprises!

Everyone keeps asking if I'm ready, and I really think that I am (and not just because I now frequently get kicked in the ribs and punched in the bladder at the same time!).  The room is pretty much ready to go, the car seat is installed in the car, the diaper bag is packed, and we have a freezer full of pre-made dinners for when we come home.  Tonight, we're taking a tour of the hospital so we'll know were to park, register, etc.  Surprisingly, I'm not even that worried about the delivery (even after hearing about my co-worker's wife going through 17 hours of labor followed by a C-Section a couple of weeks ago!).  I'm just ready.