Monday, May 30, 2011

Paging Dr. Nett

In case you haven't heard, we received some very good news on Friday - Matthew passed his Radiology Board exams!  He received his MD when he graduated from medical school, but now he is officially a Board Certified Radiologist.  He has been preparing for this oral exam for 5 years (well, if you count all of his schooling, it's more like 25 years), so we were so excited when he received his results.  Matthew was worried about the outcome, but James and I were confident that he would do great.  Especially James - he even thinks he's due some credit.

He helped Daddy study:

Took nap breaks with Daddy:

And fun study breaks (like when we went to the park):

He also made these motivational signs for Daddy on the day of the big test:

Congratulations, Matthew - we are so proud of you!!

(Please forgive the quality of these photos - most were taken on my phone)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Splish Splash

This is what James used to think about baths:

James's first bath at the hospital
After James's first bath at home

And this is what he thinks now:

Bath time has become his favorite part of the day!  It makes him nice and sleepy.

Good night!

Friday, May 20, 2011

2 Month Photo Shoot

I can't believe our little boy is 2 months old already!  We had his 2 month doctor's appointment last week, and his pediatrician said he's perfect.  I couldn't agree more!  He's weighing in at 11 lbs 2 oz, and is 23" tall.  He's still only in the 25% for weight, but she said he's gaining weight appropriately for his size.  He received 3 shots (and 2 Scooby Doo Band-Aids).  He was pretty upset at first:

But soon calmed down on our walk home:

Now for the rest of the photo shoot:

Look how strong our baby boy is getting!  He's spending a lot more time holding up his head.


Our friend Kendra Rose bought James a beret when she was in Paris. 

  James has a love/hate relationship with his bear.  These are a bit blurry, but do a good job capturing the sentiment:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shaking his little tush on the catwalk

Ok, he's not really shaking his little tush on the catwalk (I think he needs to learn to crawl before he can do that), but James has been modeling a bit.  I'm attempting to do a little "photo shoot" for each monthly birthday.  I had great ambitions to do something super cute like this or this, or use something like this.  But A) I didn't want to spend any money and B) I didn't plan ahead of time so I ended up just writing his age on an index card.  Not very exciting, but it works.  I'm also taking his picture each month with his teddy bear so you have an idea how big he's getting from month to month.

Before he was born, I had no idea how hard it would be to photograph a newborn.  I don't like to use the flash (doesn't look natural in my opinion), but he moves so much that most of my pictures end up either out of focus or blurry.  I might need to do some research before the 3 month shoot.

As you can tell from the ingenious 1 month index card, these are from when he was a month old.  I'm currently going through the 2 month shots and will post those soon.

I'd like to give a shout-out to Emily Leidolf who made green/blue/red/orange quilt and to Katie Wright who made the blue/brown receiving blanket.  He loves them both (and so do I!)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A lot to do!

As you can see from our to do list above, we have quite a bit going on right now!  However, one of our "to-do's" is to update the blog.    But first, I wanted to check and see if anyone is still reading it...I promise to do a better job of updating, but only if it's actually being read!  So leave a comment or shoot me an email if you want more updates, and I will oblige!