Sunday, June 8, 2014

Look Who's Talking...and Walking!

Charlie started talking just before he turned 1 year old.  His first word (that seemed to have some meaning behind it) was "Dada".  He loves it when Matthew gets home from work - he gets a huge smile, and wants Dada to hold him immediately.  He soon picked up "Ba" (ball) and "Buh" (book), which are two of his favorite things after Dada.

But I think "Bye" is my favorite thing he says.

He's been walking while holding on to people's hands for over a month now.  He's pretty funny about it, too - he likes to steer, and he gets pretty angry when you try to steer him in a direction he doesn't want to go! He can also turn on a dime!

But this past Thursday, June 5th, Charlie took his first (unassisted) steps!  The little stinker did it at Grandma and Grandpa's while I was out house hunting and Dada was at work.  He's been getting more confident over the past couple of days and I'm sure he'll be running in no time.  Watch out, James!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Quotable James Hardin - Part 2

(While playing outside)
James: Can I play in my socks?
Mama: No, I don't want your socks to get dirty.
James: Can I play in my toes?

James: Do you want a soo-vie?
Aunt Steph: A what?
James: Soo-vie
Mama: Smoothie
Aunt Steph: I'm sorry I didn't understand you.
James: I'm sorry I said soo-vie that way.

(James sneezes)
Mama: God Bless you!
(James sneezes again)
Mama: God Bless you!
James: Oh!  I made two God Bless yous!
(About an hour later, James sneezes a third time)
James: Oh!  I made three God Bless yous!

(While helping me making buttermilk pancakes)
James: I don't like buttermilk.  I like white milk.  It is fun to drink.  And to look at.

(While getting his diaper changed)
James: Cookie Monster is angry.
Mama: Why is Cookie Monster Angry?
James: Because I made a stinky.
(I look down and notice that he's wearing Sesame Street diapers, and there's a big picture of Cookie Monster's face on the butt!)

James: Oh, no!  Curious George broke his armpit!

(Talking to Matthew after he returned from a run.  James likes to watch him out the window.)
James: I saw you running really fast, Deda.  Then I looked out and thought I saw you again, but I didn't.
Deda: Oh, did you see someone else running?
James: No, it was just a house.

James: Oh no!  Curious George broke his armpit!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Charlie's Big Day

Charlie's first birthday was filled with things he loves to do.  There was lots of eating
Clockwise from top left: 1)Birthday pancakes at First Watch 2) Picnic lunch at the zoo 3) Where big brother only wanted to eat pretzels 4) Pork, peas, and sweet potato dinner 5) A bedtime snack of some yummy toes
 Lots of playing

A little present opening
James playing with the toy he just gave Charlie while Charlie plays with the wrapping paper

 Some really bad selfies

Our customary birthday family photo 
(ok, maybe this wasn't a favorite of Charlie's, but hopefully some day he'll be happy we took it!)

Lots of smiles

And a nice bedtime story with Deda, James, and his toothbrush 
(the kid LOVES brushing his teeth!)

And then over the weekend, Grandma and Grandpa paid us a visit

And brought Charlie this awesome Little Blue Truck cake

We had such a nice time celebrating Charlie and his first year of life.  Many thanks to our family and friends who wished the little guy a Happy Birthday!  We'll be sure to have a party next year!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Happy Birthday, Charles Norman!

So when I put this together last week, I totally forgot to include Charlie's monthly pics!  So here's version 2 :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Charlie's First Haircut & A Gift for James

This past Saturday, we decided it was time for Charlie to get rid of his mullet.  His haircut wasn't as emotional for me as James's was (read about that here), but I still teared up a little bit.  He did awesome.  He sat still (for the most part) and only tried to grab the scissors a couple of times!

Here's the before and after:

He has a neck!
 James also got a little trim while we were there.  He's been having his hair cut by the same barber since his very first cut (with the exception of "the incident" when I tried to give him a trim).  His barber (Gary) had a signed baseball in a plastic case that James loved, and Gary would often let James hold onto it while getting his haircut.  They liked to discuss baseball and Charlie Brown.

We told him when we were there on Saturday that we're going to be moving, and that we weren't sure if we'd be back in before leaving town.  After their haircuts, the boys were playing with some toys in the waiting area of the shop, and Gary came over and told James that he had something for him.  He gave him the baseball and handed me a signed baseball card to hang onto for when James is older.  They're both signed by Chuck Harmon, who was the first African American to play for the Cincinnati Reds (you can read more about him here).  Mr. Harmon still lives in Cincinnati and attends Reds games, which is where Gary met him and was given the signed ball and baseball card.

I was really touched by this - the fact that he barely knows James, but knowing that he loves baseball, he gave him a wonderful gift that put a huge smile on his face.  I hope that someday James & I can pay it forward to someone else!

Charlie - 11 months!

Pictures this month were a little difficult, because Charlie would not sit still!  Most of them ended up being a blur, but I did get a few keepers...

This little guy LOVES to climb!

And he's always on the move.  He has permanent bruises on his knees from crawling and he face-plants about once a day when his back end gets going faster than his front end, but that doesn't stop him!  He started standing on his own this month (without holding onto anything), so I fear think he may be walking soon!

PS - Click here to see Charlie's side-by-side monthly photos!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

James has something to tell you...

Most of you who read this blog probably know this by now, but just in case you don't...

James, along with several other family members, friends, and even strangers(!), have been praying for several months that Matthew would get a job back near Louisville, and those prayers have been answered!  After being away for 15 years, we are finally moving back home.  Matthew signed a contract with a group in Southern Indiana last week, and he starts his new job with a radiology group that works at Clark & Floyd Memorial Hospitals and Priority Radiology (an imaging center on Grantline Road) starting July 1.

While we really enjoyed our time here in Cincinnati, we're very excited to be moving back home to be closer to our family and friends.  Especially since we'll be welcoming our first niece or nephew in September!!!

Wish us luck on finding a new house!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Quotable James Hardin

(After going to the doctor, Charlie got shots.  James did not.)
Deda: Where did you go today?
James: Doctor
Deda: Did you get a shot?
James: Ga (yes)
Deda: Where did you get a shot?
James: (5 second pause) In Charlie.

(At an ice cream shop)
Mama: Do you want sprinkles or anything on your ice cream?
James: I want my ice cream cold.
(I was trying to rock Charlie to sleep, and James sits next to us, puts an arm around Charlie, and says)
James: It's OK Charlie.  You're beautiful Charlie.

(James was mad at me for some reason)
James: Want Mama go outside and sit in the snow and watch me through the window.
Mama: James, do you want to move back to Indiana?
James: Yeah.  Want to move into Grandpa's workshop and I can live in the tractor.

Mama: What do you want to be when you grow up?
James: A baseball player who drives tractors.
Mama: Do you want to be a Farmer?
James: No! A baseball player who drives tractors. 

(After telling James a friend of ours is pregnant)
Mama: Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?
James: A girl.
Mama: What do you think they'll name her?
James: Tattoo.

Mama: James, why don't you like to feed yourself?
James: Because.
Mama: Because why?
James: Because I like to yell.

(After a bad case of diaper rash, while saying his prayers at night)
James: Want to pray my bottom is happy.

(James is staring off into space)
Mama: James, are you ok?
James: I'm just so happy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, James!

An interview with the birthday boy

What is your name?  Street Sweeper

How old are you?  Three

What is your favorite color?  Yellow

What is your favorite number?  I don’t know

What is your favorite song?  Charlie Brown Christmas Song

What is your favorite food?  Kimchi and Pasta

What is your favorite sport?  Baseball

What is your favorite sports team?  The baseball one

Which baseball team?  The Reds

What is your favorite book?  The Tractor one, the Bulldozer one, and the Creepy Carrot one

What do you want to be when you grow up?  I don’t want to grow up

(asked a second time) What do you want to be when you grow up?  A baseball player

What is your favorite video?  Mighty Machines & Red Car Egg

What is your favorite toy?  Baseball and Terrance the Tractor

If you could do anything, what would you do?  Be a bulldozer

And now...the annual picture slide show!

(Fyi - the songs in the video were James's favorites over the last year.  The boy has good taste.).

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Charlie Brown Birthday Party

This past Saturday, we had James's 3rd birthday party.  It was a wonderful day filled with






And most importantly, FAMILY.

James had a wonderful time.  He's been telling me every day since that he had fun at his Birthday Party.  Thanks to everyone for showing our little guy so much love!

PS For those of you wondering, he slept really well that night, just like the Charlie Brown on his cake.

PPS - 12:17 am counts for a post on Tuesday, right??

Monday, March 10, 2014

Birthday Week & Bubbles!

James Hardin is turning 3 on Wednesday, so in honor of his Birthday, I'm going to attempt to do a post on here about him each day this week.  I feel like I haven't been giving him much love on the blog lately.  Part of that is because often when I try to take his picture, I get yelled at, kind of like this
(yikes, this reminds me I never posted about Christmas!!?!)

But last week, we finally had some nice weather, so James and I went outside to blow some bubbles while Charlie was napping.  He was concentrating so hard that he didn't mind me snapping away on the camera.  I even managed to get a couple of naturals smiles!

We are SO ready for spring!