Thursday, April 19, 2012

Playtime in Indiana

Ok, this is the last post from our trip back to the Hoosier state. As usual, we had a great time seeing family and friends, and I couldn't resist sharing a few pictures and videos of James playing.
Playing in the dirt at Pa's.
Playing on the floor at Pa's house (& munching on some Cheerios)

Playing with his soccer ball.

Post-playtime curly hair.

Playing with Jacob at Bass Pro.

Playing basketball with Pa.

Playing at the park. (Cutest. Tushie.  Ever.)

Playing on the slide with Scarlett (aka his future bride).
Yes, Beth (Scarlett's mom) & I have already started planning the wedding.
Despite all the fun playing we did in Indiana, we missed Dada :(
When we got back to Madison, James hugged three things upon our return (which I took to mean the three things he missed most):
1. Dada
2. The cats (Boo was a little more receptive to the hug than Wrigley, but they both accepted the hugs)
3. Our laptop

That's my boy!

1 comment:

  1. Dropped in to see your 10on10. Even though you didn't participate this month, I think this post can count :) He's adorable. Love his curly hair!
    Playing basketball with Pa is soooo sweet!
