Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5 Months!

Well, another month has flown by, so time for more pictures!

Charlie was a lot more expressive this time around.  He's such a happy, easy-going baby, which is a good thing when you have a crazy older brother like James!  I'm not sure if I've mentioned this here before, but most mornings, James wakes up before Charlie does and as soon as we hear Charlie start to stir, James wants to "get in Charlie night-night!".  So we go into Charlie's room, and I lift James into his crib so they can "cuddle", which consists of James throwing his arm around Charlie's neck or sometimes trying to sit on him.  About half the time, Charlie can't keep his eyes of of James, and they'll lay there and hug or James will kick his mobile and they'll start laughing.  The other half of the time, Charlie gives me this look that says "ok, I'll humor him for a little bit while he puts me in a headlock, but what I really want is breakfast."  It's one of my favorite parts of the day.

 He didn't have a checkup this month, so I'm not sure how much he's weighing these days or how tall he is, but his legs seem to be awfully looong.  He's started to do the tripod thing - sitting on his bottom with his hands on the floor between his legs.  He's still pretty wobbly, though.  And as far as I know, he's only stuck his toes in his mouth once, and it happened when he was tripod-ing:

I'm really surprised he's only done this once, as everything else goes into his mouth.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing some teeth soon...

And the best news since last month is that he has slept through the night!  The first time was on the night of his 5 month birthday.  He slept from 11:00pm to 7:30am.  He's done it several times since,  but he occasionally still wakes up.  He is becoming a night owl, however; he prefers a bedtime of 11pm!


So Charlie does this thing where he lifts both arms up, and then slams them down.  He usually does it when he's sitting, but he'll sometimes do it when he's laying on his back, too.  We affectionately call this Donkey Kong, as in "Charlie's doing his Donkey Kong thing again".

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