Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rockin' & Rollin'

James's cousin Kyla (my cousin Ricki's daughter) rolled over for the first time when she was 12 weeks old.  Since she's exactly two weeks older than James, I told him at the time that he had two weeks to roll over himself.  He thought about it a few times

And even tried once or twice

But mostly just got frustrated and gave up.

Saturday night, I had a dream that he rolled over.  Once he did the first roll, he then started rolling like a log.  It was pretty impressive.  I told Matthew about the dream when we woke up on Sunday, and then didn't think much of it.  Later that day, I was downstairs cleaning, and Matthew laid him on the floor on his belly.  He turned his back for a second to get things ready to change his diaper, and when he turned back around, James was on his back!  The little stinker rolled over for the first time, and both of us missed it! (He was 12 weeks and one day)

I tried to get him to roll over for me all day on Monday to no avail.  But today, he decided to cooperate, and I was able to catch it on camera:
Thinking about his game plan.
Getting ready...
And he's off!
Whew!  That was tough work.

Getting a celebratory hug and kiss from Mommy.

Matthew was outside cutting the grass, and when he came in, James gave a repeat performance (this one was quicker & more angry):
Getting a little advice from Daddy.
And now a little encouragement.
Here he goes!
The things I do for my parents...
He's not quite rolling like a log, yet, but we're still very proud of our tiny little man :)

So last night, Matthew had a dream that James started talking, and when he called me into the room, James kept saying "Hello, Mommy" in a Christian Bale Batman-like voice.  Kind of creepy.  Let's hope that dream doesn't come true.

(Oh, and don't worry - he looks much closer to the coffee table in the pictures then he actually was.)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, James! James kicked Scarlett's butt at rolling. She didn't roll from her belly to her back until she was like 5-6m old! :)
