Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Quotable James Hardin

(After going to the doctor, Charlie got shots.  James did not.)
Deda: Where did you go today?
James: Doctor
Deda: Did you get a shot?
James: Ga (yes)
Deda: Where did you get a shot?
James: (5 second pause) In Charlie.

(At an ice cream shop)
Mama: Do you want sprinkles or anything on your ice cream?
James: I want my ice cream cold.
(I was trying to rock Charlie to sleep, and James sits next to us, puts an arm around Charlie, and says)
James: It's OK Charlie.  You're beautiful Charlie.

(James was mad at me for some reason)
James: Want Mama go outside and sit in the snow and watch me through the window.
Mama: James, do you want to move back to Indiana?
James: Yeah.  Want to move into Grandpa's workshop and I can live in the tractor.

Mama: What do you want to be when you grow up?
James: A baseball player who drives tractors.
Mama: Do you want to be a Farmer?
James: No! A baseball player who drives tractors. 

(After telling James a friend of ours is pregnant)
Mama: Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?
James: A girl.
Mama: What do you think they'll name her?
James: Tattoo.

Mama: James, why don't you like to feed yourself?
James: Because.
Mama: Because why?
James: Because I like to yell.

(After a bad case of diaper rash, while saying his prayers at night)
James: Want to pray my bottom is happy.

(James is staring off into space)
Mama: James, are you ok?
James: I'm just so happy.

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