Friday, March 7, 2014

Charlie - 10 Months

 A week and a half ago, our sweet Charlie turned 10 months old.  As Charlie Brown would say, "I can't stand it."  He's growing too fast! 

The poor little guy was sick.  He had a virus called roseola, was running a fever, and feeling pretty miserable. 

So I didn't take too many pictures this month.  
Although big brother was on hand for some calming head rubbing

And this little bit of string helped distract him, too, I didn't want to bother him for too long.

I did take a few pictures of him the week before he turned 10 months that I thought I'd share.

This little brown monkey is currently his favorite.  They sleep together every night, and sometimes Charlie will pull him out of the crib to crawl around with.  If he fusses when we lay him down to go to sleep, often just handing him his monkey will calm him down.

Although we lacked for pictures this month, we did not lack for new nicknames.  Here is what Charlie has been called this month: Batman, Danny Dozer, Christmas Tree, Garbage Truck, the Professor (this one was given to him by me, as he likes to give me arm waving "lectures" when I run errands and am gone for too long), and Garbage Disposal (also given to him by me as this boy eats EVERYTHING, and coincidentally, as Matthew pointed out, he makes noises similar to the guy on Mr. Obvious -
As for milestones this month, he has hit a big one (well, big in my opinion!): he slept through the night!!  He did it about three times before he got sick, then he started waking up again, but since he's gotten over his illness, he probably sleeps through the night 3 or 4 nights a week.  I don't like to compare, but James didn't sleep through the night until he was 19 months old, so needless to say, I'm thrilled!

Way to go, Garbage Truck!

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